Famous cosplayers! Who doesn’t love the ones who are so cosfamous?

While cosplay is definitely a mainstream hobby today, there are the professional cosplayers who stand out from the crowd. We call these the famous cosplayers! I’m sure you may have heard of 1 or 2 different famous cosplayers. But today, we are going through 10 amazing cosplayers who are currently famous!

In this post, we’ll be discussing the 10 famous cosplayers you need to follow. These cosplayers are not only well-known but also proficient in the hobby of cosplaying. I’m sure you’ll find this list interesting.

Note that this list is in no particular order. And this isn’t a scientific Top 10 list whatsoever; I decided to pick 10 of many famous cosplayers that are out there.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

1. Alodia Gosiengfiao

Alodia is one of the most famous cosplayers of all-time! Based in The Philippines, Alodia Gosiengfiao has been cosplaying for over 10 years and eventually rose to superstardom in the cosplay world. Not only is Alodia a professional cosplayer, she also an ambassador for several different types of products. While Alodia definitely has branched out to other things, she is still a professional cosplayer and well deserving to be on this list!

2. Hana Bunny

Hana Bunny is another talented famous cosplayer. She has really creative and wonderful cosplays. A lot of my friends follow Hana Bunny and I’m not surprised why. If you enjoy beautiful cosplays, then you should definitely follow Hana Bunny!

3. Jessica Nigri

Of all the cosplayers out there, I’d have to say Jessica Nigri has to probably be the most famous one. Ever since she did that Pikachu cosplay way back in 2009, Jessica has been one of the icons of the Cosplay Community. I remember when she was a guest for a convention in my area, there were so many people that wanted to see her! Several years later, Jessica Nigri is still famous to this day. She continues to be an inspiration for many cosplayers.

4. Kamui Cosplay

Kamui Cosplay is the only one I’ve actually met and talked to in-person. I met her when she was the featured guest for YetiCon a few years back. I’m glad I got to meet her, because she is so nice and incredibly talented with cosplay!

Kamui has been cosplaying for almost 20 years now. She is well-known for her really intricate cosplays involving Worbla and LED lights. Kamui has written many books you can read to learn how she makes her own cosplays. Her YouTube channel is simply wonderful, I highly recommend subscribing.

5. Kinpatsu Cosplay

A fellow Canadian! Kinpatsu Cosplay is another famous cosplayer who is incredibly talented, especially with wig styling. She has her own ebook, which I have purchased and found to be really informative. It’s great to see famous cosplayers from my own country like Kinpatsu Cosplay!

6. Leon Chiro

Leon Chiro is another famous cosplayer known worldwide. Originating from Italy, Leon Chiro is a great cosplayer who is able to dress up as any character and look really good in them. I really like his Final Fantasy and JoJo cosplays. Pretty much everyone I know follows Leon Chiro on social media and for good reason; his cosplays are immaculate!

7. Stella Chuu

Stella Chuu is another wonderful famous cosplayer for so many reasons. A self-taught cosplayer (link), she has cosplayed many different characters such as Mercy from Overwatch and Ahri from League of Legends (KDA edition). Stella also has many social media channels, including her YouTube and Twitch channel.

8. VampyBitMe

VampyBitMe has been cosplaying for over 20 years, so it’s no surprise she is a famous cosplayer today. She has been a guest at numerous conventions and also cosplayed several different characters. I really like her persona username!

9. Lowcost Cosplay

Now here’s a famous cosplayer you may know for being so creative! As his name implies, Lowcost Cosplay is all about making costumes that are humorously low-budget, yet look so amazing! I really admire his work; his cosplays are so creative and awesome. Lowcost Cosplay is definitely a famous cosplayer, and well deservingly so.

10. Yaya Han

Last but not least, we have the legendary Yaya Han. She has been cosplaying since the late 1990s and remains popular to this day. When Yaya Han first started, there were no tutorials or communities to help each other make cosplays, so she was making costumes on her own from scratch! After reading her book, I really respect what Yaya Han has done for the cosplay community. Today, she is a regular guest at several cosplay conventions (I recently saw her at Dragon Con). A while back, she was the star of the show in Heroes of Cosplay!


To summarize, here are 10 famous cosplayers you should follow:

  1. Alodia Gosienfiao
  2. Hana Bunny
  3. Jessica Nigri
  4. Kamui Cosplay
  5. Kinpatsu Cosplay
  6. Leon Chiro
  7. Stella Chuu
  8. VampyBitMe
  9. Lowcost Cosplay
  10. Yaya Han

And there you have it; 10 famous cosplayers that deserve all your attention! I hope you found this post interesting.

Again, this is only a list 10 famous cosplayers. There are many, many, many other cosplayers worth your attention and just as wonderful as the ones on this list. Overall, you should follow all sorts of cosplayers to see how talented the people are in this community.

Are there any famous cosplayers you follow? Let me know in the comments!

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